"Without music, life would be a blank to me."
- Jane Austen (Emma)

As every event is unique, and in order to be fair to our clients, our rates very much depend on a variety of factors such as the type and size of the event, distance that we would have to travel and the duration of the performance. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and can put together a custom package to suit every budget. For example, we can perform a full concert, provide background music for weddings (the reception, but also the ceremony / music for the bride to enter to), do a cabaret, provide music for corporate gatherings, to name but a few! Please contact us and lets us know your requirements or ideas and we will be glad to help and offer a no obligation quote.

If you would like to contact us to obtain a no obligation quote for your event,
receive further information or make a booking, we would love to hear you.

UK: 07540 650 482

International: +447540 650 482
